20 Trends for 2020

João Beltrão
Bright Pixel
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2019


The end of the year is usually a time of reflection on what was, and a time of wondering on what will be.

This particular end of the year is even more special because it marks the end of one decade and the start of another. So at the turn of the decade we decided to tap the growing Bright Pixel eco-system for a vision of the future to bring you 20 trends for 2020, by 20 entrepreneurs, business leaders and important players in the digital, tech, venture and entrepreneurial areas.

If we had to “sum up” all these trends into areas, we could have:

  • 5G will mark the beginning of generalized connectivity between everything and everyone, pushing Internet of Things forward.
  • Cybersecurity will become even more relevant.
  • No one will stay indifferent to climate change, but not everyone will address it.
  • The future of work will be the ability to work for SpaceX one day and Google the next.
  • Technology at the service of human beings.

The full 20 trends can by read at https://20by20.brpx.com/ and they were imagineered by:

Celso Martinho (Bright Pixel)
Joana Pina Pereira (Worten)
André Lourenço (Trojan Unicorn)
Alexandre Mendes (Startup Braga)
Rui Ribeiro (Jscrambler)
Paulo Trezentos (Aptoide)
Luísa Lima (Fyde)
Alexandre Santos (Bright Pixel)
Nuno Loureiro (Probely)
João Gunther Amaral (Sonae)
Lino Santos (Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança)
Domingos Bruges (Habit Analytics)
Inês Santos Silva (Women in Tech & Aliados Consulting)
Mário Alves (Taikai)
Verónica Orvalho (Didimo)
Gaspar D’Orey (Dott)
Nuno Gonçalves Pedro (Strive Capital)
Ernesto Pedrosa (Automaise)
José Epifânio da Franca (Instituto Superior Técnico)
Miguel Fontes (Startup Lisboa)

